The preparations started as soon as the semester was finished with buying the travel guide. Unfortunately there has not been much time for reading it. Most of the summer has past by spending time at work as a birth assistant (which is pretty exiting), a long-weekend in Köln, traveling in Lofoten (awsome!), and biking Rallarveien. The therapy to get read of my rat phobia did not work so I will have to face my biggest fear. I just read a travel blog from the country, describing the presence of rats on the roof every night.. This will be way too exiting.
All the vaccines has been taken, music and movies has been installed at my computer. Shantaram, the secret, Afrika en vakker dag, my grandaunt Ida's bible and SPSS survival guide is my company. I am getting ready for 4 months overseas:) Some work left on preparations for fieldwork though. Need to finish the questionnaire and SPSS which is the most challenging part. Besides statistics, saying goodbye to people is my main task these days, and saying goodbye is what makes me realize that I am actually leaving pretty soon!