torsdag 26. august 2010

My first trip to town by my self

The taxi system here is new to me. The taxis have fixed routes, so I have to take the taxi from home to one place, then walk to the right part of a road where the taxi or bus (bus=toyota hiace..!) take me further (and it is not obvious where the right place is). The taxis are filled up with as many as they can take. In my experience the streets are not marked well, and I haven't got hold of a map, so I have some trouble in getting to know the surrounding areas. Until now I have had a boy following me around to fix everything. Today I figured it was about time I tried to get around on my own. I was going to meet some British volunteers that I have met on the internet. I made it home, but the return trip wasn't the best I've had. Most people here are very nice, but some are annoying. I have been told that I have to pretend that I have been living here for a long time, and that I am here working. I have to be very direct and honest and set my limits.. That is what I am practicing these days. It was very nice to meet the British guys though, they even invited me to a bbq on Saturday!

Annas husband just taught me what to say when I meet boys that are bothersome: "soma djekar mongifi" which means "my husband is here". I can't wait to test that line!

1 kommentar:

  1. Stå på Priya, vær streng! :-) håper setningen funker da! Det virker som et forvirrende system, men sånn er det vel når man kommer fra gjennomregulerte Norge. Snart er du lokalkjent ;) kjempespennende å lese bloggen din og se bildene! Du er flink til å skrive og oppdatere. Så hyggelig med bbq, bra det var koselige folk. Kos deg videre min snupp! Stor klem Maiken
