søndag 12. september 2010

The excitement begins!

 This is how the road can get in the rainy season.. The trip today can be very interesting. (I have to add that this is a side road, there are very good roads in The Gambia with asphalt). I have bought a big bucket (to store water in as I don't know how reliable the water supply is), a plate, a cup, one knife, spoon, fork and some bedding; it is time to go to the field! I have been told that the internet in one of the neighboring town to Farafenni has been down for some days, so I might not be online in a while. The rainy season also affects the internet connection. The room I will be staying in is originally for short visits, and therefore without fridge and cooking possibilities. There is no supermarket, only small shops with the most essential products. It will be interesting to see how things will work out the next days. Luckily the supply of local vegetables and fruits in this season is on my side. Besides, eating fruits feels nice and safe. I had something in my dinner today that did not look familiar to me. I asked what it was and was told that it was a part of a cow stomach (magesekk).. I guess we eat that at home also, in our sausages.But not seeing how it looks originally feels better.
I decided a couple of weeks ago that I would get a lift to Farafenni with someone, as the trip there is challenging for newcomers (especially with my luggage). I have now talked to a man that works at the hospital where my housing is, and he is picking me up and will take me all the way :) Happy news for the day is that Binu and Pradeep are coming in November! By the way, I saw a very good movie today- "things we lost in the fire" (thanks to Kjersti for the tip), it is worth seeing!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Hei Priya.

    Høres spennende ut. Du må ha god tur in the field. Måtte humre litt av din offentlige omfavnelse av Baba, ser for meg spontane Priya og ikke fullt så spontane Baba som setter skulderen til i sitt forsøk på å imøtekomme deg.

  2. johanna

    Hilsen Johanna:-)

  3. Takk for hilsen, Johanna! (Marthe: sa hun hva hun tenkte..)?

  4. Om hu sa hva hu tenkte...?

    Hvis du mener den siste hilsenen hennes, var det hu som skreiv de orda hu kan på tastaturet. Bortsett fra navnet ditt da, det måtte jeg stave for henne. Er veldig interessert i bokstaver for tida:-)

    Hvis det var det du spurte etter...

    Ellers håper vi du fortsatt har glade dager i Afrika! Vi tenker på deg hver dag:-D


  5. Så flink hun er til å skrive! Takk for at dere tenker på meg, jeg tenker på dere også:) Kos dere med høst! (Jeg savner høsten kanskje bitte litt, det er litt i varmeste laget her så jeg drømmer om frisk norsk høstluft av og til..
